This Week in Alberta: On the Ground Edition
I’m back from snowy Alberta, so here’s a quick rundown what’s new in wild rose country strong and free Alberta: 1. The Edmonton Journal has taken a page from the Hill Times with their annual MLA survey. Given the dearth of political intrigue in Alberta, finding out who the sexiest MLAs are is about as […]
Profiles in Courage: Dave Taylor
After taking a gander at Swann and Mo, this week I profile the third candidate in the other Liberal leadership race. But, before I do that, be sure to check out Daveberta for his Mo-file, and a look at the endorsements in the race so far. Dave Taylor History: Taylor was the “non-insane Dave” for […]
These Past 8 Weeks in Alberta
OK, so my weekly Friday look at Alberta politics and the ALP leadership race got kind of sidetracked, what with the federal election being thrust upon us. So here’s a run down of some of the things you (and I) may have missed: 1. To recap, the membership cut-off November 7th, with the mail-in vote […]
You know it’s a Canadian Election when…
…the Greens complain about being left out of the debates. …politicians scape-goat the Alberta oilsands. …the Premier of Alberta wades in. …the Liberals promise an ambiguous gun ban. …the Tories flip-flop on negative ads in a matter of hours (they’ll go neg anyone?) Yes, it’s hard to call the first full day of the election […]
This Week in Alberta
Admittedly, it’s only slightly more interesting than the Ontario NDP leadership race to most people. But, for Liberals in Alberta, it’s where the action will be this fall. I’ve decided the best way to cover the race is with weekly updates, so welcome to your very first Friday edition of “This Week in Alberta”. Swann […]
Historical Context
Mr. Harper said the Conservatives did “more in three years” than the Liberals in their last 13 years in office, or than the Bloc could ever do in “113 years in opposition.” Fair enough. After all, I think creating a deficit is at least as hard as eliminating one. And while I expect politicians to […]
The Big Mo
The ALP leadership race has it’s second candidate, former Edmonton McClung MLA Mo Elsalhy. From Mo’s facebook page: Hi all. Join me as I make it official. On Friday, July 25th, at 12:30 at the front steps of the Legislature, I will confirm my intention to challenge for the leadership of the Alberta Liberal Party. […]
And so it begins…
I’ll begin ALP leadership profiles as soon as I can think of a catchy title for that post series… MEDIA ADVISORY (2008/07/22) MLA Dave Taylor to Announce Plans Regarding Liberal Leadership On Wednesday MLA for Calgary-Currie and Deputy Leader of the Alberta Liberal Party Dave Taylor will announce plans regarding his future with the Alberta […]
A Green Alberta
Ed Stelmach and Brad Wall were on Question Period together today discussing the environment (note to political staffers: the best way to make your boss look like a dynamic leader is for him or her to appear on the same panel as Ed Stelmach). Nothing they said was particularly earth shattering, but two points raised […]
I don’t generally take issue with politicians giving themselves pay raises – it’s tough work and we need to encourage the best and brightest to run. And while a million dollars is a small price to pay for ditching Ed Stelmach, this strikes me as a bit excessive: Alberta’s premier and other senior elected officials […]