A Hail Mary on the Opening Drive
Whenever the federal Liberals get desperate, they always drop the A-bomb. In Alberta, the equivalent is trying to blame a party that hasn’t held power since World War I for the NEP. As I said on Monday, I fully expected Stelmach to roll out the “Liberals boogah boogah” arguments once he got desperate…I just didn’t […]
Highlights from Day 13,297 of the Tory Reign
If you missed my election preview, you can see it here – I think it’s a nice summation for the non-Albertan readers who, I warn you, will be bored out of your minds by the rest of the election coverage you’ll be subjected to over the next 27 days on this blog. That coverage begins…NOW: […]
Alberta Votes 2008
It’s official – Albertans will head to the polls March 3rd, at which point the Tories will have been in power for 13,324 consecutive days. Like most democracies Alberta does hold elections, but these are usually more for show than anything else. Yes, you do get a government change every generation or two, but there […]
Does Everyone Know What Time It Is?
The Alberta Liberals have released their campaign platform entitled “It’s Time: A Real Action Plan For Alberta“. I’m generally not a proponent of rolling out a full platform before an election is called, but the ALP has been on the record for most of these issues for a while. I’ll have to skim through it […]
Hung Out To Dry
There were a flurry of rumours floating around that Stelmach would drop the writ today, catching Taft in Toronto which would have been freaking brilliant. Instead, it appears that everything is on track for an election call after next Monday’s throne speech (which I imagine will feature a big ticket promise like high speed rail […]
Monday News
1. Ed Stelmach is going to skip out on the climate change talks tomorrow at the first Minister’s meeting. This follows in the grand tradition of Ralph Klein playing hooky from first Minister’s health care talks to go to a casino in Hull. And this guy is trying to run on change? 2. Macleans profiles […]
90 Day Deadline: Day 95
Remember back in the fall when Ed’s don’t-call-this-a-compromise on royalties meant the big oil companies, Syncrude and Suncor, would have to renegotiate their existing deals with the government? Remember how in a rare moment of leadership, Ed showed he had a plan by giving them 90 days to renegotiate? Well, that was 95 days ago. […]
There’s something happening here, What it is ain’t exactly clear
A pair of pre-election polls were released this week, painting very different pictures of the upcoming Alberta election. If you only look at the horse race numbers, there’s not much to be cheerful about in Liberal land – the Strategic Counsel had the PCs at 58% of decided voters, while Leger had them at 49%. […]
McCain Mitts His Match, and other news
The Mittster came up with a big win in Michigan last night, keeping it a four man race for the Republican nomination. The next big test is South Carolina, where McCain will try and exorcise the ghosts of 2000. Meanwhile, Giuliani’s strategy to lull his opponents into a sense of overconfidence by sucking royally in […]
The Man With No Plan
I don’t know a lot about the “Albertans for Change” group but they certainly appear organized and well funded. Few Alberta opposition parties have had the dough to run commercials in recent elections but this group, composed of Alberta unions, is now airing three attack ads directed towards the Premier. With ominous music, black and […]