1. It always looks bad to break a promise but I think this was the right move to make. I’m far from an investment expert but Income Trusts were a tax loophole which needed to be closed.
2. Glad to see that the Clean Air Act may undergo massive amendments. Hopefully something positive can come out of it.
3. I link to this immigration story, only because Monty Solberg has been practically invisible since getting into Cabinet. This is definitely positive, although I’d still like to see Canada hit the 1% target on immigration.
4. Since everyone was quick to post when the charges were levied, it’s probably only fair to mention that the LPC has ruled that Volpe was not directly responsible for most of his campaign’s membership irregularities.
5. One of the students injured in the Dawson College shooting has proposed what, in my opinion, are fairly reasonable changes to Canada’s gun control laws.
So there we go – environment, gun control, immigration, and Joe Volpe. That should generate a bit of debate, I imagine. As an added bonus, I’ve also left wide open the opportunity to make Goodale or Brison jokes with the Income Trust story so comment away!