1. Hey – look who agrees that Quebec shouldn’t be getting a special deal on the Boeing contracts? [well, look who “agreed” a year ago anyways]
We don’t talk much in BC about the aerospace industry. Everybody thinks it’s a Quebec industry. Well, I got to tell you – we have an aerospace industry here, and it is benefiting because the Liberal government of Canada is allowing the procurement process to be merit-driven. So we have Kelowna Flightcraft getting a major billion-dollar-plus contract. We have Cascade Aerospace, up the Valley, getting a billion-dollar-plus contract, because this government would not interfere for political reasons with the merit process of bidding and public procurement – not like the Conservatives did with the CF-18!
You want to know what a Conservative procurement process looks like, ask the people of Winnipeg how they liked it when they lost the CF-18 to a company in eastern Canada for political reasons.
2. BBG has a post up on a good cause.
3. Via Wells comes Rudy Gulliani’s entire 140 page campaign plan (is this the work of the Liberal mole?). While it’s certainly not a great way to launch a campaign, it could make for interesting reading for any aspiring politicos out there wanting to see how a US leadership campaign is run.
5. The Oscar nominations are out – not really a political link, other than the fact that Al Gore’s doc picked up a pair of nominations