Stephane Dion is not a hero. You know who is a hero? Hiro. From Heroes.

Unable to break into majority government territory, Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have turned to the burning issue on everyone’s mind this spring…yes…Senate Reform! An exciting series of new ads attack Dion for…zzzz…..sorry, I’m already sleepy just thinking about the topic.

That’s right, apparently Liberal Senators are delaying Harper’s Senate Reform Bill. Uh-oh. If this doesn’t spur protests on the grounds of Parliament Hill, I don’t know what will.

The best part of the ads is that their main focus seems to be to convince Canadians that Stephane Dion is not a hero. I mean, I like the guy, but I’d never consider Stephane Dion my hero. I doubt even Jason Cherniak considers Stephane Dion his hero. And, let’s say for a second that Canadians from coast to coast do consider Stephane Dion their hero. I don’t think his stance on Senate Reform is going to make anyone change their opinions. After watching 23 episodes of Heroes this year, never did I once see a hero who had the ability to speed legislation through the Senate. (although, it would make for a fun episode if John Baird wanted to do a guest spot next season)

Oh, and I’m not positive if saying your opponent is unfit to lead because he obstructs Senate business is necessarily wise one week after a handbook on how to obstruct parliament’s business was leaked.

I’m just sayin‘.

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