This Year in Saskatchewan

I don’t post a lot on Saskatchewan politics and, when I do, it seems the posts often fall flat (ho ho ha ha!). But seriously folks, the Sask Liberals held their leadership convention this weekend, and Ryan Bater drew the short straw.

So who is Ryan Bater?

Well, the Sask Libs have released a very impressive video introducing Bater to voters. Doing this sort of thing is essential when you’re an unknown leading a third place party. But it’s still something every leader should put out after winning a leadership race, be they a provincial or federal leader, in power or on the political fringes. It’s a good way to introduce a leader to voters and, at the very least, you’ll be able to re-use the footage from it for years.

In addition to officially naming Bater as their leader, the grits voted to formally split the provincial and federal Liberal parties. The party is also promising to privatize liquor stores – although I’m generally not a huge proponent of privatization, at least you can buy beer after 5 on a Sunday in Alberta…so there are definitely benefits to going that route.

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