There’s been a lot of debate over whether or not Canadians want an election this fall. So, rather than give my take, I’ll let Misters Harper and Ignatieff do the talking.
The argument against an election, usually goes like this:
“We need an election like a hole in the head. It is not the preferred choice of Canadians. We’re in a recession (and) Canadians all know that an election is expensive.”
With the argument in favour of an election, generally being advanced along these lines:
“In the past few months, and particularly over the summer, we have seen increasing signs that this Parliament is really not working very well anymore, it’s becoming increasingly dysfunctional.
Two of the three opposition parties don’t support the government and say [it] should be defeated. [The other] says he doesn’t support the government but won’t say, you know, whether he will defeat [it] or not. I don’t think that’s a tenable situation.”
Both Harper and Ignatieff make convincing cases in the quotes above. Both positions are perfectly justifiable. The only problem is, they’re arguing against their current position…