From a Liberal press release, some oldies and goodies:
“The Liberals, apparently, want to prorogue the House. They want to run out of town, get out of town just one step ahead of the sheriff. Is the Liberal government committed to staying here as planned throughout the month of November so that it can be held accountable in the House for its actions?” (Stephen Harper, Hansard, October 20, 2003)
“Now is it true that the government will prorogue the House so that it will not be held accountable for its shameful record?” (Stephen Harper, Hansard, October 20, 2003)
“I’m pretty convinced now that they intend to prorogue and run away from accountability.” (Jay Hill, Alaska Highway News, November 17 2005)
“It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they decided to prorogue Parliament… I’m sorry if I sound a little cynical… This is a government (for which) the rules of engagement don’t apply. They’ll move the goal post, change the boundaries and bribe the referee.” (Peter MacKay, Nanaimo Daily News, July 18, 2005)
“It’s like hitting tilt on a pinball machine… I think it’s a bald-faced admission that the government doesn’t really have an agenda and… that there’s a few contentious bills that I think they just want to deep-six.” (Peter MacKay, Canadian Press, September 16, 2002)