Being Tony Clement

Tony Clement, explaining the government’s census logic:

“Yeah, there are groups that are upset” about the government’s decision, Clement told reporters.

“Hey, listen, they had a good deal going,” he added. “They got good, quality data and the government of Canada was the heavy.”

Realizing fewer people will fill out a voluntary form, the government will send it to twice as many households, Clement said. He said businesses or others who don’t think the data is good enough can pay to get their own surveys done.

So, to summarize:

1. Cities, hospitals, businesses, and a slew of other Canadian groups used to get “good, quality data” to help them make decisions, plan programs, and offer services to Canadians. This was a bad thing.

2. Given Clement’s use of the past tense, he concedes they will no longer get “good, quality data”.

3. The government used to pay for this freeloading, which was unfair.

4. The government will now pay an extra $30 million under Clement’s new plan.

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