After all, people are at their cottages and drinking lemonade. They have better things to do than talk to pollsters.
Still, with a barrage of polls released over the past week, there’s no harm in posting a poll soup update.
Ekos (July 21 – Aug 3, n = 3,444 auto dialled)
CPC 31.6%
Lib 26.8%
NDP 17.3%
BQ 10.4%
Green 11.0%
Other 2.9%
Angus Reid (Aug 10-11, n = 1,009 online)
CPC 33%
Lib 29%
NDP 19%
BQ 10%
Green 9%
Decima (July 29 – Aug 9, n = 2,009 phone)
CPC 34%
Lib 28%
NDP 15%
BQ 9%
Green 12%
Ipsos (Aug 4-9, n = 1,000)
CPC 34%
Lib 31%
NDP 15%
BQ 9%
Green 9%
AVERAGE (change since June in brackets)
CPC: 33.0% (-1.6%)
Lib: 28.5% (+0.6%)
NDP: 16.5% (-1.1%)
BQ: 9.8% (+0.3%)
Green: 10.4% (+1.7%)
NOTE: The overall numbers are weighted based on sample size and pollster accuracy, using the weights I devised for my seat projections. I’ll update the seat projections in September since, as I said, there’s no point getting too worked up over August horse race numbers.