Random News Generator

And thus concludes a week in politics I would describe as more “typical” than any other over the past two years.

Seriously, we’ve gotten to the point where we just spin a big giant wheel with news stories on it and print whatever comes out, regardless of current events. Here’s what was in the news this week:

Election speculation, election speculation, and more election speculation. Harper may or may not be trying to engineer his own defeat (be sure to check off “poison pill” on your minority government bingo sheets), Ignatieff’s may or may not bring him down, and Gilles Duceppe is asking to be bought off.

-Harper’s talking about scrapping public subsidies – which we’ve known would be in his next election platform since…oh, I don’t know…2008. And he’s warning about a coalition. We get it. Socialists! Separatists! They’ll destroy Canada.

-Quebec, who have only goten 40% of military contracts so far, feels its not getting its fair share.

-Even the polls, always a good source of faux excitement, were as typical as can be this week. Tories up by 7. Tories up by 6. Yawn.

Why it’s almost enough to make one pine for a good Helene Guergis scandal, just to give us something new to talk about…

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