Quebec Turns Orange

I haven’t reported on any individual polls as of yet this campaign, but this one, accurate or not, is going to be the only thing talked about tomorrow:

NDP 36%
BQ 31%
CPC 17%
Lib 13%

UPDATE: Ekos is in…and the Bloc has dropped to 24% in Quebec. People have been predicting the death of the Bloc for years, and sure enough, Gilles Duceppe finds a way to get his 40-50 seats every election. So let’s not count him out quite yet – if there’s a leader with the charisma and credibility to take on Layton, it’s Gilles.

But…if this does hold…who would have ever predicted the NDP would be the party to knock off the Bloc?

Just when you think Canadian politics is as dull as it gets, it finds a way to surprise you.


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