I had two readers e-mail me in response to the leadership post, with comments which I loosely translated to be saying: “Joe Volpe for Liberal leader? I thought the Liberals were against euthanasia.”
But, yes, Mr. Volpe appears to be serious about running. And since nothing short of a Jean Lapierre leadership run would be more hilarious than seeing Big Joe throw his hat into the ring, I’ve given his campaign team their first eight slogans, free of charge:
“Yes, I’m a serious candidate. Don’t laugh.”
“Loyal to the leader since 2004”
“Being in Cabinet has nothing to do with my flip-flop on gay marriage”
“Only he can defeat the Klansmen”
“Hey, if Belinda Stronach is a serious leadership contender, why not?”
“Joe Who?”
“Romanian Strippers at every campaign stop!”
“Not only will I ban the Sopranos in Canada, I’ll ban Joey!”
KINDA AN UPDATE: As Anonymous mentioned in the other leadership thread, I’ve also heard the rumour that Volpe has never worn a pair of jeans in his life. Apparently that’s why he refused to don them when he came out to the Stampede. And you think Harper has image problems…