Conservatives: Winning Internet Polls…

There was an article a few weeks back accusing Canadian bloggers of being pussies. Well, luckily Canadian bloggers are out to show their relevance!

Faced with declining poll numbers, several Conservative blogs set their sights on a poll they might actually win – a poll on advanced education on the NDP website. I kid you not. Polls, by nature, aren’t perfectly accurate. Internet polls are sometimes fun, but ultimately worthless. Internet polls on a political party’s site are absolutely pointless. So why anyone would want to mobilize to win this poll is beyond me. I can only hope these Tories will spend as much time door knocking during the election campaign as they spend stacking Internet polls.

And while this, in itself, is mildly humorous, the NDP response is laugh out laud hilarious. Already there have been accusations that the NDP webmaster has fixed the poll to make sure Layton comes out on top. Maybe this is true, maybe it isn’t. But given the choice between the NDP rigging the poll and the NDP mobilizing their supporters to stack an Internet poll on their own website, I’m not really sure which option is less pathetic.

Oh, and I must say that I wholeheartedly encourage this blog’s readers to swarm the poll and help put Paul over the top! (Or, at the very least, over his current 2%) Paul! Paul! Paul! Paul! Paul! Paul!

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