From Jason Cherniak comes news that the Tories have begun the attack ads.
It’s not on the CPC website yet, but someone has put the ad on-line. It basically has Paul Martin on a loop saying “the Liberal Party is not corrupt” while they show clips of Gomery and Dingwall. It’s strikingly similar to what I suggested the Tories do in my pre-election preview:
Go for reality. Show clips of Sheila Fraser blasting the Liberals, a few “culture of entitlement” quotes, Jean Brault’s testimony, Dingwall holding up the gum packet, newspaper headlines about Volpe’s pizza party, and the Mr. Dithers economist article. End the commercial with a calming voice saying “there’s an alternative”.
It’s a little noisy and they’ve re-used a lot of the same stuff from their “change” commercial, but they stuck to reality instead of wild accusations so there shouldn’t be any backlash. I’ll give it a thumbs up, although it’s far from a home run (mixed metaphor alert...).